måndag 31 maj 2010


Experimenting with a flashlight!

söndag 30 maj 2010


Played around with the large apertures. This is a photo of my bird with my 30mm at f1.4 with the raynox dcr-250 macro lens attachment.

lördag 29 maj 2010


Almost perfect day for macro. Got this bee with 30mm + raynox dcr-250.

fredag 28 maj 2010


This is my dog after a short walk in the rain.

torsdag 27 maj 2010


Found this smurf look alike while taking a walk with my girlfriend down by the marina!

onsdag 26 maj 2010


And yet again, another macro photo. This is of a leaf just below the water surface of our pond.

tisdag 25 maj 2010


Went outside to find some insects. Found none, so I took a simple photo of this plant!

måndag 24 maj 2010


"I want to break free."

söndag 23 maj 2010


My beautiful girlfriend in a field of "Brassica napus"!

lördag 22 maj 2010


Macro with my 30mm and raynox dcr-250 macro lens attachment.

fredag 21 maj 2010


More macro! This is a spider that lives on a leaf of a waterplant in our pond.

torsdag 20 maj 2010


Summer time is macro time. This is the inside of a red tulip.

onsdag 19 maj 2010


Felt like summer weather today and towards the afternoon we got some rain. That ment that there were a lot of insects along the walls. This was one of the spiders that I found.

tisdag 18 maj 2010


Needed to get away and have some time for myself, so I went down to the beach to photograph. This is one of the bunkers we have on the southern coast of Sweden. I took the photo with my newest 30mm lens facing the sun to get the warm, softening effect.

måndag 17 maj 2010


Felt like shooting some macro today. Very windy, but I finally found this little thing. It's about 4mm long.

söndag 16 maj 2010


Depressing weather, deep thoughts, no inspiration. This is a simple photo that I took while walking the dog. Made it black and white and lightened up the dove.

lördag 15 maj 2010


Thought I'd test out my new 30mm lens with my macro lens extension. Turns out it's great! This is one of the photos I got today with the setup.

fredag 14 maj 2010


Got this fun idea today while eating dinner. The sign says "Beware of the dog"

torsdag 13 maj 2010


Wanted to make another "3d" photo with my new lens. Not the greatest results, but it kind of works. At least it's fun to try! To see the 3d effect, cross your eyes close to the monitor until you see a sharp middle picture!

onsdag 12 maj 2010


Took a few photos of our dog today with my new fast prime lens. This was one of the photos. The eye is a little out of focus because I'm still trying to get used to these fast lenses.

tisdag 11 maj 2010


Insects are popping up everywhere. This little bug is about 3-4mm long. It sat on a leaf of a waterplant in our pond.

måndag 10 maj 2010


Tested another macro setup today for larger objects. This was a spider that I found by our pond.

söndag 9 maj 2010


Wanted to post another flower that I found today.

lördag 8 maj 2010


Went to the "Rally Österlen" today to document what goes on behind the scenes and photograph my friend "in action". This was one of the photos I got. I like it since the front brake disks are glowing because of over-heating.

fredag 7 maj 2010


Beautiful flowers on a sad day, dedicated to someone special in our hearts.

torsdag 6 maj 2010


Made a mini-studio today. Got out my amber collection and shot some close ups. Noticed a lot of small insects and other cool parts. This kind of looks like a part of an insect.

onsdag 5 maj 2010


My friend and I went out on a photosession today. Saw this flower on the way to the location and I took a photo of it.

tisdag 4 maj 2010


As you might see if you've looked at my previous photos, I really like macro photography. This is the first fly I've gotten this year. The fly was very small, therefore the photo is not perfect quality wise.

måndag 3 maj 2010


Took some macro photos today. This is the backside of a GPU on a graphic card.

söndag 2 maj 2010


Discovered this frog in our pond today while I was looking for insects or flowers to take macro photos of. This frog wasn't afraid at all. When this photo was taken, I was about 10cm from him! Thank you frog! The contrast is increased since the original was too bright and colorless.

lördag 1 maj 2010


Portrait of my beautiful girlfriend!